
BRAHMS Online Websites

The list of websites here are those that the developers have agreed to include in this list. BRAHMS online features are reviewed here.

Website Server Contact Description
BRAHMS Software BRAHMS Project Home.
Botanical Research And Herbarium Management System Oxford BRAHMS Server Denis Filer Default home page with access to system software and documentation.
External Websites Examples of BRAHMS Online websites running elsewhere in the world.
Oxford University Herbaria Oxford BRAHMS Server University of Oxford Herbaria The Fielding-Druce and Daubeny herbaria and the xylarium, collectively known as the Oxford University Herbaria, currently contain 800,000-1,000,000 botanical specimens from across all taxonomic groups and geographic regions. The collections contain at least 25,000 types.
Independent Groups
NZFRI NZFRI BRAHMS Online Server Matt Buys NZFRI specimens